Applitools Announces Future of Testing: Mobile Live Virtual EventTop QA professionals and test engineers present interactive sessions and live panels to discuss innovations and cutting-edge practices in…Apr 2, 202154Apr 2, 202154
Unpopular Opinions: Software Testing EditionThis article was written by Applitools senior developer advocate, Angie Jones.Apr 1, 2021Apr 1, 2021
Get A Jump Into GitHub ActionsOn January 27, 2021, Angie Jones of Applitools hosted Brian Douglas, aka “bdougie”, Staff Developer Advocate at GitHub, for a webinar to…Mar 2, 2021Mar 2, 2021
Test Automation University is now 75,000 students strongWhat does it take to make a difference in the lives of 75,000 people?Feb 23, 202120Feb 23, 202120
Visual Testing for Mobile AppsThis article was written by Applitools senior developer advocate, Angie Jones.Feb 22, 2021Feb 22, 2021
Automate your Appium setupAppium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps.Feb 19, 202161Feb 19, 202161
Thunderhead Speeds Quality Delivery with ApplitoolsThunderhead is the recognised global leader in the Customer Journey Orchestration and Analytics market. The ONE Engagement Hub helps…Feb 16, 2021Feb 16, 2021
Skeptics Who Recommend Cross Browser TestingWho recommends cross browser testing to their organizations?Feb 12, 20211Feb 12, 20211
My Holiday Hackathon 2020 — Kerry McKeeverThis article was written by Kerry McKeever.Feb 11, 2021Feb 11, 2021
More than a Hackathon to me — Ivana DilparicThis article was written by Ivana Dilparic.Feb 11, 2021Feb 11, 2021
Getting Started with Appium 2.0 BetaThis article was written by Srinivasan Sekar and Sai Krishna.Feb 9, 2021Feb 9, 2021
Stability In Cross Browser Test CodeIf you read my previous blog, Fast Testing Across Multiple Browsers, you know that participants in the Applitools Ultrafast Cross Browser…Feb 4, 2021Feb 4, 2021
Playing with Playwright — Java APIThis article was written by Applitools senior developer advocate, Angie Jones.Jan 29, 20211Jan 29, 20211
Fast Testing Across Multiple BrowsersIf you think like the smartest people in software, you conclude that testing time detracts from software productivity. Investments in…Jan 28, 2021Jan 28, 2021
Fast, Efficient and Effective Cross Browser TestingWhat do you think about cross browser testing?Jan 22, 2021Jan 22, 2021
Visual Assertions — Hype or Reality?There is a lot of buzz around Visual Testing these days. You might have read or heard stories about the benefits of visual testing. You…Jan 21, 2021Jan 21, 2021
Selenium vs Cypress: The RematchThis article was written by Applitools senior developer advocate, Angie Jones.Jan 19, 2021Jan 19, 2021
9 Test Automation Predictions for 2021Every year, pundits and critics offer their predictions for the year ahead. Here are my predictions for test automation in 2021. (Note…Jan 7, 2021Jan 7, 2021