Turbo-Charge Your Functional Tests with Visual Testing Powers in Just 8 Lines of Code
“You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression!
Join me for this hands-on session, where I will take existing tests and add to them visual testing capabilities that will allow you to test what your app looks like, and not only how it behaves. I promise: all this goodness — in just 8 lines of code!”- Gil Tayar, Sr. Architect & Evangelist
Learn how to implement visual testing in your existing test suite, so you can increase coverage and ensure your app’s UI is bug-free when it’s released to the wild.
Watch this hands-on session with Gil Tayar right here.
About the session:
Automated tests are great at testing *functionality*, but do they check how your app appears to the end user? Do they check that the “submit” button is aligned with the edit box? Do they check that the background color is that perfect shade of pale? NOPE!
What if we told you that in 8 lines of code, you can add vision to your existing tests, and check how your app appears to your users, and not just how it behaves.
Moreover, once you add visual testing capabilities to your existing tests, you can supercharge your functional checks and check the whole page in one big assertion.
Watch this step-by-step and very hands-on session, and learn:
- What visual testing is and how it can augment your existing regression automation test suite
- How you can enhance your existing functional tests with visual testing
- How easy it is to write code that visually tests an entire application
Gil’s slide deck:
Full webinar recording:
Additional reading:
Gil Tayar frequently writes about test automation, testing best practices, and software development. To see all of Gil’s posts, please click here.